Supported : 325 €
of 250 € minimum goal
Even if you sort your waste accurately, there is someone near you who does not. Because trash containers are shared, everything gets mixed there. As a result your effort ends up in a landfill – and you pay for empty runs of the garbage truck.
WasteLocker offers a retrofittable smart container lid with an AI-driven quality control platform. It offers automated feedback process flow optimisation for household trash containers.
With our solution everyone wins:
You as a consumer and household owner do not have to pay for empty runs, can instantly and intuitively learn from your sorting mistakes, and are assured that your sorted waste is given a new life thanks to our traceability and verification possibility. We make waste management transparent to you.
You as a waste management company operator save on time, logistics, reduce sorting costs and complexity, reach 15% less CO2 emissions, and significantly optimise operations.
You as a secondary raw material recycler can rely on our solution to deliver you the right quality and quantity of material at the right time.
You as the citizen and municipal representative will benefit from a cleaner environment, better air quality and transparent waste operations.
You as our government representative can be assured that we exceed EU guidelines on secondary raw material recovery by 35%, the country imports less waste as its own quality increases, and that there are less landfills as a result.
We already have an initial working prototype that has been validated for market-fit with Tootjavastutusorganisatioon OÜ (TVO) and proven to work successfully in real life situations by providing quality data that can be analysed and used as a foundation for improving our waste management.
We are seeking crowdfunding support to raise money for releasing our first market-ready prototype. We already have interest for its use in the Estonian waste management sector from its representatives.
Through the past 7 months our team has constantly met and received mentorship from the cleantech and greentech startup representatives such as Cleantech, and Estonian waste management sector representatives. We have researched consumer behaviour by questioning the residents of apartment associations directly. We have contacted companies producing products from secondary raw materials such as Orkos, Dagöplast and Neular. We have contacted Estonian government entities to gain insight regarding future plast and their opinions.
Our team has come a long way in understanding the waste management sector and developing a solution that can be implemented in the fastest way to enrich the existing methods and already gain working results. We focus on disrupting the waste management sector but without stress on the consumers, waste handlers and governments. Our mission is to start easy but determined and step by step improve the situation by integrating constant improvements in the form of waste quality analysis, feedback opportunities, and data quality.
We set our goals to expand to 5 majour cities in Estonia by the end of the next year and have our solution serving 180 000 households in Estonia by the end of 2024. In 2025 we plan to expand abroad and conquer Finnish and German market shares.
Form more information please refer to the Onepager below.
If you have further interest regarding our solution or any questions please contact us:
+372 53 457 701