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Join the intelligent talent search!

Supported : 88,467 €

of 250 € minimum goal


Skillific is a skills-based talent search engine with artificial intelligence (AI) features. It discovers, pre-selects and connects employers to the best job candidates from all possible sources.

Skillific is the fastest and the most reliable tool for locating and connecting to talent.

We follow the trends of employment services’ market carefully and anticipate the inevitable triumph of AI in recruitment services. This encourages us to put our maximum efforts into creating a truely intelligent talent search engine. We aim to automate the whole recruitment process within the next 5 to 10 years.

Our solution is unique and follows te most recent trends of the labour market. We utilize the opportunities created by technology to connect employers and talent.

We invite you to join us on our journey towards a more transparent and more efficient labour market.

Find out more about us at

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