Oivaline Tervislik Tort – 21st century dessert
Oivaline Tervislik Tort – 21st century dessert
Supported : 42,336 €
of 250 € minimum goal
Oivaline Tervislik Tort - Delicious, Healthy Cake - is the dessert of the 21st century. These hand made cakes have half the carbs and fats and thrice more tummy filling protein, meaning one could eat twice as much cake!
The idea of a Delicious, Healthy Cake came to the founder as all world-changing ideas tend to - out of personal necessity. The cake brand was founded by Karl-Ott Juhanson, who as a youngster was struggling to keep the extra-weight off. But then managing to lose 14 kg in four months changed his life completely. After the weight loss he was more motivated and eager to learn about nutrition and training than ever.
Having a sweet tooth himself, Karl-Ott had an idea to create a healthy dessert which could be eaten almost daily. After a series of trials and tests in 2012 his first healthy cake was finally born.
Most Oivalise's healthy cakes are gluten-, lactose-, casein-, egg-, nut- and white sugar-free and can be both ordered or enjoyed for example in the popular Old Town venue Must Puudel - a loyal distribution partner for over two years now.
The company has a solid social media following of 5000 people - Facebook and Instagram - and over 1000 on mailing list receiving their newsletters 3-4 times per month.
At least every 3rd client leaves a positive feedback after purchase and it is 100% positive. Every 5th client praises the idea and company even before actually tasting their cakes!
Equity offered is 16,83 %, minimum investment starts at 168€. Investors are being offered two ways of profiting from their investments - a buyback of shares in the value of N+35% after three financial years and by the end of year 2020, the latest, also dividends.
Photo: Aron Urb